Ink Finance Biweekly Report # 19

Highlights of Ink Finance over the past two weeks

Ink Finance
3 min readJan 5, 2023

December 2022 — Issue 19(12.17–12.30)

New Year Greeting from Ink Finance and would love to share with you Biweekly

As we enter this 2023 calendar year and approach the lunar new year, the Ink Finance team hopes that everyone is doing well and looking forward to a fantastic and healthy year ahead. We are grateful for your support over the past year, and we look forward to continuing to bring our products to new heights in the coming year.

Over the past two weeks, we have made significant progress by releasing several new features. Please see below for a summary of these updates and our recent community events.

Community Event

On December 20th, Ink Finance held the Christmas Carnival Events. Users tried out our investment module and created INK-related pictures with Christmas elements. We are pleased to receive more than ten excellent submissions. Thank you to everyone who took part!

On the seventh edition of “Talk to Team,” Ink Finance’s community marketing manager, Ben, led a discussion with team members. This interactive program aims to bring the team closer to the community and foster brand loyalty. The highlights of this session included

  • New version beta net function introduction.
  • More than AVAX, #INK is a multi-chain protocol and expanding quickly.
  • INK’s DAO treasury management is going to be a big crypto trend this coming year.

Check out the entire conversation at the following link: Click here

International Marketing

  • Regardless of how regulation ultimately happens, the reality is that it will probably take some time and experimentation to settle on a stable set of standards. In the meantime, organizations who want to enter the field of Web3 finance must set transparent and accountable financial management as their priority. Doing this will make setting up their blockchain infrastructure complicated and costly. Ink Finance Aims to build regulation-compliant financial governance. Click here to read the article

Ongoing Business Development

Product Development

The Ink Finance development team has started working on Sprint8 to implement the operational components of Investment Fund Management on-chain.
The functions include:

  • Setup Fund, Launch Fund, & Dissolve Fund managed by the fund admins.
  • Introduce Asset, Initiate Trade, & Distribute — managed by the fund managers.
  • Approve Asset & Approve Trade — managed by the fund risk managers
  • Audit — managed by the fund auditors.
  • Liquidate Fund — managed by the fund liquidators.

Read more: Ink Finance Monthly Report # 18

About Ink Finance

Build On-chain Competence & Financial Credit with Ink Finance, an on-demand Web3 financial management SaaS, enabling on-chain organizations to build effective operation structures and perform best-practice financial management.

Learn more about Ink Finance and what we’re building:

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Ink Finance

Ink Finance is the DeFi engine for Protocols, DAOs, and RWA Originators. Build On-Chain Competence & Financial Credit |